02 December 2008

Character + costume design (Part II)

I told ya, to be continued... :)
Here you go...
Yesterday was my presentation for
history of art & design II, 1+1=3: A character + costume design

Group photo, before our presentation.
Why so serious la wei? :)

Yeah man, really suit our group name: Why so serious?
We just want to have fun!

Damn cool. It's from other group~

My classmate. He really sacrificed a lot.

I heart this costume design.
She was wearing 2 masks, 1 behind and 1 infront.

She looks like angel.

My lecturer Danielle was giving critique.

Welcome our model~!
Ah Kit a.k.a Joeker
Joeker is the name of our character.

Art movement :
Espressionism & De Stijl

What a good piece of work :P
I heart the shoes!
You can never find this shoes in the market :P
But it's only for display, because we color with poster color.

Hurrraaay! Done our presentation.
Comment from Danielle: Excellent (:


Didn't take picture of the rest of the groups...
Was rushing for lunch :P
I'm now feel a little bit released because finally done with my history of art~