Today, iz 1st of Julai,
as usual, yumca at my 2nd home at Kim Gary with Matt, Chris
and Patrick =)
He iz muh net fren that know thru facebook - Human Pet
Suprised that he got me a pressie from UK and he made a card for me...
hehe, felt touch le~although sometimes he iz kinda irritating cos
he alwis mentioned abt abalone abalone and shark fin =_=
Oopsss, I think I said a little bit too "loud" cos he viewed my blog b4~ *haha*
chill la patrick :P
He iz my 2nd net fren gave me bday pressie~
the 1st one iz Adrian...hehe~bought me a charm pen =)
Arigato gozaimas!
as usual, yumca at my 2nd home at Kim Gary with Matt, Chris
and Patrick =)
He iz muh net fren that know thru facebook - Human Pet
Suprised that he got me a pressie from UK and he made a card for me...
hehe, felt touch le~although sometimes he iz kinda irritating cos
he alwis mentioned abt abalone abalone and shark fin =_=
Oopsss, I think I said a little bit too "loud" cos he viewed my blog b4~ *haha*
chill la patrick :P
He iz my 2nd net fren gave me bday pressie~
the 1st one iz Adrian...hehe~bought me a charm pen =)
Arigato gozaimas!
and also showed to patrick and
This was my FATTEST MOMENT wei!
u see my hand u see my hand!!!! owh muh f*cking gwod!!!!!
Do I look like a pork chop???!?!? Do u feel like eating pork right now?
I am wondering...tat time how I could be able to fit into tat dress =,='
must be took a very long time wore it!
owh god, why am i keep on insulting myself la?
u see whose bloody middle finger was that?lol
so cute la dis bear bear~
Wait a moment pwease!
since when muh name become joyce?
doink doink patrick written wrong name n
somemore wanna said sama sahaja la
*piak*!!!! Ish-Ish.....
btw, thanks for yr card ^^
After yumca, we went to sing k!!! Yeah...wif Matt, chris, Jonathan and Melvin...
den after tat Hyena and Leong joined us as well...
from 2pm - 7pm~
Owh my god...once leong came...BEEEERRRR again!
I wan faint dy...I just told myself I wanna quit drinking beer (-,-)
2 jugs free 1 jug = 3 jugs
finished by 4 persons only =,=
I felt a little bit tipsy after tat...
since when muh name become joyce?
doink doink patrick written wrong name n
somemore wanna said sama sahaja la
*piak*!!!! Ish-Ish.....
btw, thanks for yr card ^^
After yumca, we went to sing k!!! Yeah...wif Matt, chris, Jonathan and Melvin...
den after tat Hyena and Leong joined us as well...
from 2pm - 7pm~
Owh my god...once leong came...BEEEERRRR again!
I wan faint dy...I just told myself I wanna quit drinking beer (-,-)
2 jugs free 1 jug = 3 jugs
finished by 4 persons only =,=
I felt a little bit tipsy after tat...