Sunway to Pj Taman Megah usually took me only less than 15min!
Especially during this hours, 2.20pm!!!!!!
Bloody hell start jam-ing from LDP to taman bahagia there.
I was wondering why so the jam during this hour?!?!?!?!!?
Finally, I GOT THE ANSWER!!!!!!
THANKS to this cement mixer ! ! ! !
and THANKS to this cement mixer..
I couldn't even go straight to taman megah
and I needed to drive to kelana jaya there and made
a u-turn!!!
I was actually fine with it of making a u-turn.
The worst part was...bumper to bumper in kelana jaya.
I seeee also pengsan nya...
DAMN it!
Especially during this hours, 2.20pm!!!!!!
Bloody hell start jam-ing from LDP to taman bahagia there.
I was wondering why so the jam during this hour?!?!?!?!!?
Finally, I GOT THE ANSWER!!!!!!
THANKS to this cement mixer ! ! ! !
and THANKS to this cement mixer..
I couldn't even go straight to taman megah
and I needed to drive to kelana jaya there and made
a u-turn!!!
I was actually fine with it of making a u-turn.
The worst part was...bumper to bumper in kelana jaya.
I seeee also pengsan nya...
DAMN it!
I just need to go straight den can easily reach angie's hse...
The stewpid bodoh cement mixer drove to my lane..
Serisouly don't know how the driver drive man!!!!
HALO????yr license punya FAKE wan ar???
I was a little bit too free to snap picturesss right!!??
I'm sorry, I'm just too kepoh~xD
and wanna show how ANGER how STRESSFUL how FRUSTRATED
during the moment...
So in the end, how long I took from sunway to tmn megah
to section 14?
1 and the half hour.
BRAVO! VERY GOOD!!!!!!! =____=!
to section 14?
1 and the half hour.
BRAVO! VERY GOOD!!!!!!! =____=!