30 October 2009

new hair look =)

Our new hair look =)
It was my first time tried to cut at Shawn Cutler @ Bangsar
I usually will go to the salon that I always cut at.
I dare not to try other salon because I had some bad experiences *nightmare*!
But this time, I gave it a try and the result turned out pretty good.
It makes my hair more volume, and my baby is lovin' it! hehe...

Well, I like Jo's new hair do as well.
It is much more better than her previous "sapu" hair...LOL
She looks gorgeous!! hehe...
Well wait for next year I'm so gonna to curl my hair, of cos not the maggie mee type la...crazy sial...
I like those big wavy type... :3

Owh ya, I've 1 prob, I am afraid I can't blow back my current hair style...shyt shyt shyt!
Can I choose not to wash my hair forever? haha...
Well, don't take it serious, I WAS JUST JOKING!!!!
heheh...ciao people!