19 June 2012

I want to be fit!

 What have I been up to lately? 
I cut down on drinking unless it's special occasion or weekends, might grab a few pints but not like last time minimum of 2 jugs of beer. 
I hardly go out during weekdays, I spent more time of going yoga or fat burn cycling class ;) I even did abs exercise at home, hardcore one. :D I finally lose 1KG last week, and 2 more KGs to go to reach my ideal weight which is 50KG. 

Told myself I must keep it up because I want to have Jessica Alba's body!!! *buahaha* 

Or this

I wanna get rid of my flabby tummy, so I will focus more on abs exercise. I downloaded this "Daily Ab Workout" app to my iPhone. It has 10 different set of abs exercise and video to be shown as well. 
To be frank, I just downloaded this yesterday. Oh well, I did 2 rounds of 20 repetitions for the following exercises:
1) Basic crunch
2) Right & left oblique crunch
3) Bicycle crunch
4) Crossover crunch
5) Half curl

My abs was screaming terribly after I did all these!!!!! Today I can feel the tightness on my abs. *woohoo, I feel so good yeah yea yeah~*
Remember this: - No pain No gain -


After that, I did thigh & butt exercise. My friend asked me to do squat exercise so it can tone up my leg and butt.  What you have to do is do 2 sets and each set you have to do one shot 50 times. I TELL YOU, it's TIRING!!!! -___-

You may also log in to Victoria Secret's VSX site, they show you all kind of workout. Envy their body, then do it.

 Tell yourself, do it for..
The stares
The whispers
That bikini
The collarbone
The hipbone
The gap between your thighs
The belly shirts
The ligh-as-a-feather feeling
The cute pictures
The sexy lingerie
and most importanly...

..... YOURSELF. 

With love,
Jocelyn, xoxo