01 September 2009

brand new month

A brand new month for me for my bie for Jo and also for everyone.
Why me?
It's because I just said buhbwaii to Mr. August and here to say hello to Ms. September.
It's definitely a brand new month for me ;)
Beside that, I need to ganbateh to look for a RIGHT job ! !

Why bie?
hehe, it's because today is his first day of work in Fluexed magazine.
All the best baby and I am confident that you can build your career there.
xoxo lurve ya.

Why Jo?
Jo isn't me ya, is Joanne Chow who just left Malaysia in this morning 7am.
I shouldn't feel sad, not like she's not coming back for 3 yrs or more.
She is currently in Manila, Philippine and gonna stay there for
1 and the half month for da job training.
I'm gonna start counting til the day you back to M'sia =)

Why Everyone?
It's is because.....
It's is now 1st of September ! ! ! !
Look forward and learn thru the mistakes in the past.

Quote of the month:
Though no one can go back and make a brand new start,
anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.