30 December 2008

Santa in the town!

Santa in the town!
Do you believe in Santa?
Yes, I do believe NOW, because WE'RE THE SANTA! :P
Today, everyone is feeling so delight and grateful.
Everyone pass all the subjects
(Ops, except Angie, ex TOA student!LOL)
and with the x'mas pressie :)

My baby got his Superman shirt!
The design is damn chun, isn't it?

Pressie for our boss lady, Angie :P

James with his x'mas present.
He wore it on immediately.

OMG! It's my turn!
My pressie :)
Wonder what's inside?? HeHe

Anna Sui limited edition!
Make up case with the polish nail!!! Aww..
I jus saw it 2 days ago, and now I got it.
Thanks guysss... I really heart this Anna Sui alot alot^^

Jo with her earring~

Baby became superman after wearing the shirt.

Lu with her drum stick and james's hat..HAHA
good match!

Smile on everyone's face.

The pressie tells everything.
I <3 u

The cup cake and ginger bread from Lu.
U're so sweet!

You guys have brighten up my day

Thanks . Arigato Gozaimas . Terima Kasih . Xie Xie Ni

Happy ending!

